Trails Tourism Limited is a commercial enterprise that yearns to provide state of the art and exclusively unique tourism experience, accompanied by provision of expert, effective, efficient and accurate digital information services to the global tourism, leisure and hospitality industry. The company will be globally linked to various corporate tourism service providers, but primarily operating in the Republic of Uganda, the Eastern Africa region, and Africa. Trails Tourism Limited will operate digitally providing access to its services via the internet. Its digital platforms can be accessed through its website at, its Facebook page, Twitter handle and other digital platforms.

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Plot 13 Coral Crescent, Kololo, Kampala,

Mon – Sat 8am – 5pm

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Sipi Falls

Eastern Uganda Tour

Sipi Falls is a waterfall in the East of Uganda, 277 kilometers from Kampala, the country's capital, in the Kapchorwa district. These falls are located close to the Kenyan-Uganda border, in the foothills of Mount Elgon, just outside Mount Elgon National Park. The term ``Sep,`` the name of an indigenous plant that grows along the banks of the Sipi River and resembles a wild banana, was used to create the name Sipi. The indigenous inhabitants of that region can utilize this plant as medicine to treat fevers and measles.

Three waterfalls, each coming from a different height, make up Sipi Falls. The main fall, which is the highest fall in the series and drops from a height of 100m, is the last fall in the series. Although this fall is a little larger than the other two, they all provide Uganda with breathtaking landscape. The stunning falls attest to the fact that most people consider Sipi Falls to be Uganda’s “most romantic falls.” Most walks to Mount Elgon begin from this region. A stunning picturesque view of Lake Kyoga, the Karamoja lowlands, coffee plantations, and other nearby locations may be seen by hiking up to these falls.

Since this region is hilly, the weather is chilly, and occasionally it rains while people are hiking, which makes it more difficult but also adds to the experience. In general, it is a place where people may unwind, relax, and chill out away from the bustle of cities.

The neighboring villages are friendly, and the majority of the residents are Sabiny and Bagishu. They work in agriculture and grow Arabica coffee, which is the main cash crop on this property. The elevation of this coffee’s cultivation is from 1600 to 1900 meters above sea level. While visitors to these plantations are welcome, local guides in the region can arrange these tours.

Good to Know

Visa Requirements
Visa in not needed for EU. Everyone else needs a visa.
Languages spoken
Currency used
Area (km2)
18,274 km2


There are deluxe lodges, mid-range hotels, budget hotels, as well as campsites available for those interested in camping, so you won’t have to worry about where to stay, how much to pay, or anything else while visiting Sipi.