Trails Tourism Limited is a commercial enterprise that yearns to provide state of the art and exclusively unique tourism experience, accompanied by provision of expert, effective, efficient and accurate digital information services to the global tourism, leisure and hospitality industry. The company will be globally linked to various corporate tourism service providers, but primarily operating in the Republic of Uganda, the Eastern Africa region, and Africa. Trails Tourism Limited will operate digitally providing access to its services via the internet. Its digital platforms can be accessed through its website at, its Facebook page, Twitter handle and other digital platforms.

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Plot 13 Coral Crescent, Kololo, Kampala,

Mon – Sat 8am – 5pm

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Hiking Mountain Moroto

Explore the East

Sokodek Peak at the summit of Mount Moroto is located at a height of 3,082 meters above sea level. The third-highest summit on this mountain, the Imagit Peak, which is 2,930 meters high, is another option for hikers to consider. The mountain climbs and descends a distance of roughly 26 kilometers, or 1,950 meters, in total. A day’s climb up Mount Moroto should take about 10 hours, including 8.5 hours of actual hiking and 1.5 hours of respite. The pace that the hikers set typically determines how long it takes to climb. It is highly recommended to set up camp for the night below Imagit Peak, which is fairly nice as there is usually the option of getting water from nearby streams throughout the year. It’s also a nice rest point that gives hikers plenty of downtimes so they may conserve energy for the descent the following day.

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